Triumph Company plan to Laid Off workers.

Reported by Jitra Kotchadej,

Translated by Numnual and Lek

ภาษาไทย กรุณาอ่านข้างล่าง

The Triumph Labour Union have been verbally informed by Mr. Prayoon Vonglek, the Human Resource Manager on June 22, 2009 that the Triumph International has several plans to lay off the workers( the union’s have recorded the telephone conversations as witness). Stating that the official notice will be informed to every workers directly by Mr. Leonardo Innocenzi.

The company’s plans is;

The company has scheduled a meeting with all workers on June 27, with both Triumph Labour Union, the workers union and the management union, and participated by the provincial labour officers to informed everyone about the plan.

June 29, the company will transport all workers to the Bangkok International trade Exhibition Centre (BITEC), the breakfast together is arranged for all workers to have last meal with the management team. Mr. Leonardo Innocenzi, Mr. Kenneth Louise Marshall will inform the company’s situation, by claiming that the Body Fashion (Thailand) Limited had been accumulated deficit since 2003, and until now the company don’t have any order, and in ability to pay wages, bonus, and all other benefits to all workers. Also claiming the cost of productions is getting higher due to the increasing prise of raw materials, etc.

In order for the company to survive, they have to downsizing it’s organization and would have to laid off 5 0% of their workers; from the Triumph’s head office, the warehouse in Thepalak and the Packing Department in Klongkud will be relocated to the main plants in Bangplee.

On 29 June, the company will give every worker a white envelop. In the envelope, there is a letter to informed workers about their status, some will be notify that they are dismissed, and for the other, it informs them to return to work on 1st September.

For those who are dismissed, the company will pay two month salary (July-August) and will pay the compensation money in September. For those who are continued to be employed, they will receive 75% of their salary in these two months (the company makes use of labour protection law that in case of temporary closedown due to the lost in business, the company may pay only 75% of salary to workers during the closed down period) until the company reopened in September.

From the conversation with Mr. Prayoon, he said the the union’s member that if there is any obstacle to the plan, Mr. Spisopher, the owner of Triumph, will shut down the company in Thailand without paying anyone compensation.

Situation inside the factory.

Immediately, on June 22, 2009 the union has demanded more explanation from the management. Mr. Kennet Louise Marshall has been trying to avoid the meeting with the union and finally set the meeting date on June 24,2009 in the afternoon. However, this dated has been postponing to June 27.

Ms. Wanphen Wongsombat, the president of Triumph union, has submit a notify letter to the MoL officers on the situation.

Starting from June 23,Triumph’s workers start to gathering together and discuss about this news, some are crying, however, the workers are demanding to work overtime to meet the export schedule.

The union has conducted meeting with all their range and file leaders so that they can inform all their line’s of productions members about this news of the laid off.

At the moment the union hasn’t received any official letter from the management regarding this news.

Reported by Jittra Chochadet, the Triumph’s union officer

June 20, 2009

Subject: Rumours of Massive layoff

Dear Mr. Kenneth Louis Marshall,

We, Triumph International (Thailand) Labour Union, have heard rumours from our members at different levels, including officers, foremen, and some management, that workers are going to be dismissed. We have repeatedly heard this rumour and also about Triumph factory closures in other countries. The rumour is making workers worried and unenthusiastic about working because it leads to job insecurity.

Therefore we demand that management report on the current situation of the company, whether the rumours are true or not and explain why. The reasons given must be acceptable. It is not acceptable to claim that the economic crisis requires the layoff of old workers, members of the labour union, and workers with occupational-related sickness. We hope that the layoffs will not happen, as the company has a good code of conduct.

In order to lay off workers fairly and not to use the economic crisis as an excuse to destroy Triumph International (Thailand) Labour Union or change regular employment into contract or sub-contract employment, we should reach an understanding between both the management and workers to prevent problems in the future. We therefore present to management the following demands in the event of layoffs or factory closure:

1.Declare the date of the layoffs, the reasons, and a list of workers who will be laid off, at least 60 days in advance of the layoff.
2.Make an agreement between the company and the labour union to ensure that the layoffs are fair.
3.Accept applications from workers who voluntarily accept layoff
4.Pay extra compensation in line with Article 118 of the 1998 Labour Protection Act to workers who have worked continuously for more than a year at the rate of their last wages, by paying thirty days per year of work.

Sincerely yours,

Miss Wanpen Wongsombat
Union President
Triumph International (Thailand) Labour Union

1. Labour Federation of Garment and Leathers Industries
2. International Textile, Garment and Leather Workers’ Federation (ITGLWF)
3. Head, Prvincial Labour Protection Section, Samut Prakan
4. Director-General, Labour Protection Department
5. Mr.Markus Spiesshofer
6. Mr.Leonardo Innocenzi
7. Ms.Ursula non Gunten
8. Ms.Veronika Stossun
9. Clean Clothes Campaign (CCC)

Triumph Company Plan to Lay off Workers.

Sat, 27/06/2009 - 20:39
After many members of Triumph International (Thailand) Labour Union had heard rumours that workers may be dismissed, and also that Triumph International factories in other countries have been temporarily shut down, the Human Resources Manager of Body Fashion (Thailand) Ltd., Mr. Prayoon Wonglek, has just notified workers today that Saturday and Sunday, 26 and 27 June, are special holidays, so they don’t have to come to work because of the reduced quantity of work. Workers will still get their wages as usual. Workers are to return to work on 29 June.

The company would also like to negotiate with Triumph International (Thailand) Labour Union at a meeting on Saturday at 3 pm at Samut Prakan Provincial Labour Office. The union therefore called members to a rally in front of the company at Bang Phli Industrial Estate, Bang Sao Thong District, Samut Prakan Province on Saturday morning.

Announcement on the 24th June from the Management of Body Fashion (Thailand) about the Impact of Global Economic Crisis toward the Company

Previously, the management announced to all workers in March, 2009 that the company’s selling grand total (ยอดขาย) of 2009 does not increase at all because of the global economic crisis. Besides, its suppliers, shopping malls as its customers reduced lots of purchase orders that caused the company’s selling grand total reduce.

The management claimed that the selling grand total of 2009 reduced and its tendency is still reducing when comparing with the whole selling grand total in the country. (ยอดขายทั้งหมดในประเทศ) Although the management has tried to issue short-term measure that it would keep using the same amount of cost as the year 2008, the management now has to cut much more cost to protect the company’s future.

The fit for future plan that the management has planed for the long-term improvement states that the company must improve the cost structure of all units of the company in order to build efficiency and be able to keep running the business.

Improvement of the cost structure
1. marketing, products line (สายผลิตภัณฑ) that did not create profits and could not be improved to make profit anymore
2. whole sale and retail customers (ตัดลูกค้าขายส่งกับขายปลีก)
3. cost of production and distribution (การจำหน่าย)

The management said that due to the global economic crisis, it is fortunate that its financial status is still stable, but it must improve weak points of the company in order to survive, build efficiency and potential to keep running the business and compete with other companies. And it thanks to workers who will save the company.

29 June 2009

Subject: Triumph International and OECD Guidelines for MNEs

Dear Mr Marcus Spiesshofer, President and Managing Director of Triumph International

Cc: Textile and Garment Workers’ Federation of Thailand
Thailand’s Labour Minister
International Textile, Garment, and Leather Workers’ Federation
Triumph Works Council
Clean Clothes Campaign
Project Manager CSR Ms Ursula Von Gunten
Corporate Head of Supply Chain Mr Leonardo Lnnocenzi

We write to you in regard to the recent news announced by the management of Body Fashion (Thailand) on the plan to lay off 1,930 workers or half the workforce of the Bangphi plant, the majority of which are women workers and union members who took part in the recent strike to call for reinstatement of the dismissed union president.

The management has claimed the poor performance and lost profit as the reason to lay off the workers.

On the contrary, given the volume of orders and the overtime work over the years, the union finds it difficult to believe in the reason claimed by the management. Apart from that, the management has never informed the union on the problems of the company, nor has there been any policy on cost saving announced by the management.

In order to resolve the differences and bridge communication gaps, the union calls for the following:

1. Transparency and information disclosure - correct information is needed on the real performance of the company, business structure, company’s policy and plans in relation to production and employment
2. In order to mitigate the effects on workers and their families, there is need for social dialogue involving the relevant parties i.e the management who has the right to final decision making, the trade union and the workers’ federation, ITGLWF, Thai government

Given the urgency of the matter, we hope you will give this a priority, and we look forward to hearing from you.

Wanpen Wongsombat
Triumph Labour Union in Thailand

28 มิถุนายน 2552

เรื่อง ขอให้บริษัทฯปฎิบัติตามแนวปฎิบัติสำหรับบรรษัทข้ามชาติขององค์กรความร่วมมือทางเศรษฐกิจและการพัฒนา (OECD Guidelines)
เรียน คุณมาคูส สเปียโฮเฟอร์

ด้วยสหภาพแรงงานไทรอัมพ์ฯ ได้มีการประชุมหารือกับ ผู้แทนบริษัทบอดี้แฟชั่น(ประเทศไทย)จำกัด เรื่องข่าวลือเรื่องการเลิกจ้าง บริษัทฯได้แจ้งให้ตัวแทนสหภาพแรงงานไทรอัมพ์ฯทราบว่า บริษัทฯมีแผนการเลิกจ้างคนงานทั้งหมด 1,930 คน เป็นจำนวน 50% ของคนงานทั้งหมดที่ โรงงานบางพลี และคนงานที่ถูกเลิกจ้างส่วนใหญ่เป็นคนงานที่เข้าร่วมผละงานปกป้องสหภาพฯในกรณีเลิกจ้างอดีตประธานสหภาพแรงงานฯคุณจิตรา คชเดช ในการเลิกจ้างครั้งนี้บริษัทฯได้อ้างว่าขาดทุน ไม่มีออร์เดอร์ ในการเลิกจ้างดังกล่าวสหภาพแรงงานฯเชื่อว่าไม่ได้เกิดจากกการขาดทุนและ เพราะพนักงานมีงานล่วงเวลาทำ บริษัทไม่เคยชี้แจง บริษัทฯไม่เคยมีมาตรการในเรื่องของการประหยัด และ การขจัดการคอรัปชั่น สหภาพแรงงานไทรอัมพ์ฯ จึงขอให้ท่านใช้ปฏิบัติต่อสหภาพแรงงานฯและคนงานบริษํทบอดี้แฟชั่น(ประเทศไทย)จำกัด ดังนี้
1. ขอให้บริษัทเปิดเผยข้อมูลอย่างโปร่งใส สร้างความน่าเชื่อถือ และความไว้วางใจในการบริหารจัดการที่ดีให้กับสหภาพแรงงานฯและคนงานของบริษัททั้งหมด ในเรื่องที่บริษัทอ้างการขาดทุน และไม่มีออเดอร์
2. บริษัทต้องเปิดโอกาสให้องค์กรของลูกจ้างหรือสหภาพแรงงานเข้าร่วมการปรึกษาหารือกับฝ่ายบริหารในการดำเนินนโยบายต่างๆ ที่อาจส่งผลกระทบต่อ ชีวิตความเป็นอยู่ที่ดีคนงาน จะเป็นการลดความตึงเครียด ความขัดแย้งระหว่างฝ่ายแรงงานกับฝ่ายบริหาร เพราะการปรึกษาหารือเป็นการเคารพในสิทธิมนุษยชนของคนงาน เป็นหลักปฏิบัติที่ใช้กันในสังคมประชาธิปไตยในเรื่องการเลิกจ้างคนงานหลายคน ให้คนงานได้ประโยชน์สูงสุด เพื่อไม่ให้คนงานได้รับผลกระทบในการใช้ชีวิตอยู่ในสังคมต่อไป
3. บริษัทต้องยอมรับสหภาพแรงงานฯและไม่ทำการใดๆที่ทำให้สหภาพแรงงานฯไม่สามารถดำเนินกิจกรรมต่อไปได้
ฉะนั้นทางสหภาพแรงงานไทรอัมพ์ฯ หวังเป็นอย่างยิ่งว่าท่านจะให้ความร่วมมือเป็นอย่างดี จึงเรียนมาเพื่อให้ท่านดำเนินการ
จึงขอขอบคุณมา ณ. โอกาสนี้


นางสาววันเพ็ญ วงษ์สมบัติ


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